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Prime Now Comes to Seattle and Offers Alcohol Delivery

By Tami Ben-David August 26, 2015
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A British ex-pat, Tami been writing and content-strategizing for Israeli tech start-ups for the last 5 years. When she's not writing nerdy content, you can find Tami on open water charity swims or traveling to far-flung countries.

Amazon announced yesterday that one-hour delivery has officially reached Seattle,Washington – home to Amazon headquarters.

The service will reach any residents living in the Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond and Kirkland zip codes.

As in its other locations, Prime Now delivers from 8 am-12 am seven days a week, costing 8$ for one-hour delivery and no charge for two-hour delivery.

However, unlike its other locations, Prime Now Seattle will also deliver alcoholic drinks. The center in Kirkland is authorized to deliver wine, liquor, beer, and other hard beverages.

Prime Now has already taken off in parts of Manhattan as well as Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Baltimore, Dallas, Austin, and Indianapolis, with more cities planned by the end of the year.

(Amazon notes that shoppers who are curious as to when Prime Now will reach their location can simply download the Prime Now app and it will notify them when Prime Now opens in their area)

Prime Now Expands to Seattle, Adds Beer, Wine, and Liquor Delivery Option

Amazon’s Same-Day Delivery Comes to Seattle

Amazon Adds Alcohol to Same-Day Deliveries

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