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Perfect Order Percentage: What Does Amazon Think of You?
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Perfect Order Percentage is one of Amazon’s standards for evaluating a seller’s performance.
It’s a conglomerate of a seller’s customer feedback, charge-backs, cancellations, late shipments, refunds, A-Z guarantee claims, and buyer-initiated messages. Besides being a definitive performance standard, POP can also serve the purpose of helping sellers pinpoint problems and improve their own ranking.
“POP is a very important metric as it is more holistic than seller feedback and better at capturing the buyer experience,” said Peter Kearns, Feedvisor Strategic Success Manager and former Amazonian. “Seller’s should be monitoring their POP score on a daily basis.”
How does it work?
Amazon tallies up your exact amount of perfect orders from the last 90 days. (As mentioned, what constitutes a perfect order is determined by the factors listed above.)
They then take that number and divide it by the total of orders you received during the last 90 days. So, for instance, if you’ve had 200 orders and 150 perfect orders, your Perfect Order Percentage (POP) would be 75%.
Great! How do I find out mine?
You can view your POP score on Amazon’s Customer Metrics page and download reports for order-specific details. From there you can see which negative factors are affecting your POP score and figure out how to proceed to seller superstardom.
Amazon recommends that a seller’s POP score never reach below 95%
There are a few common errors that frequently cause a low POP score.
Here are 4 actions you can take to avoid a low POP score:
1. State your listings correctly and clearly
Use accurate descriptions, bullet points, product weights, and dimensions so customers know exactly what they’re buying. This prevents marks being taken off in the Negative Feedback. A-to-Z Guarantee Claim, Refund, and Buyer-Initiated Message categories.
2. Ship on time
Late shipping prompts all kinds of customer complaints and dissatisfaction which leads to low marks in the Buyer-Initiated Message and Negative Feedback categories.
3. Provide accurate tracking info
Inaccurate tracking info is a common cause of customer complaints and overall dissatisfaction, which will affect your POP score in the following categories: Buyer-Initiated Message, Negative Feedback, and A-to-z Guarantee Claim.
4. Do not cancel orders
Make sure you have an item in stock before listing it and avoid pricing errors. Failing to do so can get you a checkmark in Cancellation or Negative Feedback on your POP page. It’s not all doom though.
The following actions that your customers take do NOT affect POP:
# When a buyer cancels an order via Amazon’s online Order-Cancellation option.
# Buyer-initiated messages that require no response (for example, a Thank You note).
# Buyer-initiated messages that are not related to an order.
In addition, Amazon allows more leniency for certain categories that incur more returns than average, such as clothing. Now that you have this crucial info, go forth and prosper!