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Prime Day 2017 Was a Huge Success

With the great success of Prime Day this year, you can only imagine how impactful next year’s Prime Day will be on your sales. By Leor Farkas July 16, 2017
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Leor is a writer for Feedvisor. She's a native New Yorker who lives in Israel, where she has been producing content for the hi-tech world. She earned her B.A. in English and philosophy from Sarah Lawrence College.

Prime Day 2017, which began the evening of July 10 and continued all day July 11, was Amazon’s most successful Prime Day yet. The third event of its kind resulted in nearly $3 billion in sales, representing a 60% increase year over year.

According to Amazon, the best selling product was its voice assistant, Echo Dot. Deals were found throughout the categories, with home and garden accounting for 24% of all deals, electronics for 22%, and clothing and jewelry for 16%.

But it’s not only Amazon that made big wins during the big sales day. Feedvisor conducted an analysis of sales activity for third-party Amazon sellers, based on a sample of 132,311 ASINs.

We compared the week of June 26th with the week of July 10th, and found:

  • Overall sales on Amazon at 8 PM EST on July 10th (when Prime Day started) were already up 118% (compared to 8 PM on June 26th).
  • Sales at 4 AM EST on July 11th were 221% higher than on June 27th at 4 AM.
  • The highest sales occurred at 10 AM EST on June 11th.
  • These sellers made 60% more profit during the 30 hours of Prime Day than during the same time period two weeks prior.

Prime Day compared to two weeks before (26-27/6/2017 vs. 10-11/7/2017, data based on 132,311 ASINs):

Metrics Increase
Sales 92%
Profit 58%
Orders 66%

Prime Day 2017 Hourly Peaks


The increase per hour, compared to two weeks before:


With the great success of Prime Day this year, you can only imagine how impactful next year’s Prime Day will be on your sales. At this rate, we might be talking about a whole Prime week, not just day!

Prime Day may be over, but the high season is just around the corner. Discover our best practices for the holiday season in the free eBook, The Ultimate Q4 Game Plan for Amazon Sellers.

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