By Tami Ben-David February 16, 2015

Amazon FBA Fees Are Changing

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A British ex-pat, Tami been writing and content-strategizing for Israeli tech start-ups for the last 5 years. When she's not writing nerdy content, you can find Tami on open water charity swims or traveling to far-flung countries.

Amazon FBA fees changing

Attention all Amazon FBA sellers! FBA fees are set to change as of February 18, 2015.

While the advantages associated with Fulfilment by Amazon are many, perhaps the one drawback is the long list of fees associated with the service. On top of the existing Marketplace referral and variable charges, Amazon charges multiple fees to sellers who wish to use FBA.

Come February, these fees are changing?and most of them are on the rise!

Below you?ll find a list of compulsory FBA fees, effective as of February 18, 2015:

Service Fee
Monthly storage This fee is charged for all units stored in an Amazon fulfillment center and is based on calendar month and daily average volume. This is calculated in cubic feet when the unit is properly packaged and ready for shipment to the customer.From January to September, the fee is $0.48 per cubic foot per month.*From October to December, the fee is $0.64 per cubic foot per month.*** From March 1, 2015, this fee will change to $0.51 for standard-size units and $0.40 for oversized units.
**From March 1, 2015, this fee will change to $0.68 for standard-size units and $0.53 for oversized units.
Long term storage A fee of $22.50 per cubic foot is charged semi-annually (August 15 and February 15) for units that have been stored in Amazon?s fulfillment centers for 365 days or more.**From August 15, 2015, a fee of $11.25 per cubit foot will be charged for units that have been in Amazon fulfillment centers between 6 and 12 months.
Order Handling For standard-size media items, there is no fee. For standard-size non-media items, there is a $1 fee per order, unless the order cost $300 or more, in which case there is no fee.For oversized items, there is no fee.
Pick & Pack There is a $1.04 fee per unit of standard-size items, unless the unit cost $300 or more, in which case there is no fee.For small oversized items there is a fee of $4.05.For medium oversized items there is a fee of $5.12.For large oversized items there is a fee of $8.21.For special oversized items there is a fee of $10.34.(For certain clothing products, there is an addition $0.40 per unit.)
Weight Handling This is based on the Outbound Shipping Rate (Unit Weight + Packaging Weight).The total for each unit is then rounded up to the nearest pound.For all small standard-size items that weigh 1lb. or less, there is a fee of $0.50.For all large standard-size items that weigh 1lb. or less, there is a fee of $0.63.For large standard-size media items that weigh 1lb. to 2lb., there is a fee of $0.88.For large standard-size non-media items that weigh 1lb. to 2lb., there is a fee of $1.59.*For large standard-size media items that weigh over 2lb., there is a fee of $0.88 + $0.41/lb. over the first 2lb.For large standard-size non-media items that weigh over 2lb., there is a fee of $1.59 + $0.39/lb. over the first 2lb.*Note: In the above cases, if the orders are worth $300 there is no fee for weight handling.For small oversized items, there is a fee of $1.59 + $0.41/lb. over the first 2lb.*For medium oversized items, there is a fee of $2.23 + $0.41/lb. over the first 2lb.*For large oversized items, there is a fee of $63.09 + $0.41/lb. over the first 90lb.For special oversized items, there is a fee of $124.58 + $0.41/lb. over the first 90lb.
* For large standard-size non-media units weighing more than 1lb and all oversized units, Dimensional Weight (Unit Volume divided by 166) will be used to calculate Outbound Shipping Rate, if it is greater than the Unit Weight.

What?s perhaps most interesting to note are the storage fees. While the monthly storage for standard-size units has gone up, for oversized units it has actually gone down.

In addition, a new long term storage fee has been introduced for products that have been in Amazon fulfilment centers between 6 and 12 months.

For examples of how these fee changes will affect your products, and for a comparison of the new fees versus the existing ones, check out the FBA Fees section in Feedvisor and CPC?s FBA Whitepaper.

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