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University | Shipping Items

Charge When Ship

Sellers are encouraged to use Charge When Ship as a means of offering their buyers the best possible shopping experience.

Charge When Ship means that the following steps take place before the seller’s account is credited for the buyer’s purchase:

  1. The seller receives the order from the buyer, via Amazon.
  2. The seller ships the order.
  3. The seller confirms the shipment.
  4. Amazon notifies the buyer with the shipping details, both via email and in the buyer’s Amazon account.
  5. Amazon credits the seller’s account.

This way, the buyer is only charged after the seller confirms the shipment, rather than at the time of order placement.


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Advantages of Charge When Ship

  • Buyers are better informed as to the details of their purchase and its delivery, making happier buyers (who are likely to provide better feedback regarding the seller).
  • Buyers are less likely to contact sellers when they already have the shipping information at their disposal.
  • If a seller is unable to ship an order, the order is cancelled and the buyer is never charged, which means fewer refunds for the seller.
  • Amazon notifies sellers of any orders that are not shipped by the officially promised ship date, making keeping track of shipped and unshipped orders easy.

Charge When Ship is therefore an easy way for sellers to handle their orders, keep buyers informed, and stay on top of their transactions.


Drive and Convert Demand With Integrated Pricing and Advertising