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Amazon’s New Vertical Video Format: What Does It Mean for Advertisers?

Discover how Amazon's new vertical video format for Sponsored Brands Video campaigns revolutionizes Amazon advertising. By Rachel Horner July 9, 2024

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Social media platforms are standout contenders in the realm of sales channels, challenging the dominance of established e-commerce giants. With social media now seen as the top opportunity for e-commerce brands by 52%, its influence is undeniable. 

Recognizing this explosive growth, Amazon is tapping into the power of social commerce with their latest innovation: vertical videos for Sponsored Brands Video campaigns. This new feature promises to amplify brand visibility and engagement, particularly among the mobile-first audience that favors platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Below, we’ll dive into what this new video format looks like — and its implications for advertisers. 

Amazon’s Vertical Video Format: A Breakdown

Amazon Sponsored Brands Video campaigns have become an essential tool for brands looking to enhance their visibility on the platform, offering a unique opportunity to highlight products and share their brand narrative through engaging video content. With Amazon’s latest update, Sponsored Brands Videos become even more powerful.

Advertisers can now run vertical video ads on Sponsored Brands Video campaigns. According to Amazon, advertisers will be able to highlight a collection of one, two, or three advertised products. The feature is available to a variety of advertisers, including those opting for managed or self-service, registered sellers, vendors, and authors. Check out the example below. 


According to our experts, initial tests of the formats have been promising. Campaigns that used the vertical layout have outperformed those relying on horizontal videos — likely because they look better on mobile, where most customers now prefer to do their shopping.

But what exactly does this new format mean for advertisers — and how can you make the most of it?


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About the Author

Rachel Horner serves as a Content Marketing Writer for Feedvisor. She has extensive experience in writing for diverse B2B brands, particularly in the tech industry, and is dedicated to fostering meaningful brand-audience connections.

Now Is the Time To Lean Into Mobile Commerce

Amazon is actively shaping a more mobile and socially integrated e-commerce experience. According to our recent e-marketplace report, social media platforms are now playing a crucial role in both creating and converting demand. Once primarily used to generate initial interest, brands’ mindsets have changed, with 43% now tapping into the power of social media to boost their sales directly.

Recognizing the rise of mobile and social commerce, Amazon has formed strategic partnerships with Meta, Snapchat, and Pinterest to enable in-app purchasing. Customers can now effortlessly connect their Facebook and Instagram accounts with their Amazon profiles, allowing them to shop directly through Meta’s social platforms.

But social is just one side of the coin. Mobile commerce also plays a huge role in new consumers’ habits — and social media is inherently mobile. Smartphones are now the dominant way people engage across multiple channels. During Cyber Five, platforms like TikTok and Instagram revolutionized product discovery by evolving into major marketplaces, with a record 79% of e-commerce traffic reported to be from mobile phones.

Recognizing the power of social commerce, Amazon is advancing with vertical video ads tailored for mobile users. This update lets brands connect more effectively with mobile-first shoppers who prefer platforms like TikTok and Instagram for their shopping experiences.

The move is likely a signal Amazon will expand its efforts to transform its shopping platform to further resemble popular social platforms — and advertisers should both anticipate and fully embrace these new changes.

Take User Generated Content (UGC). Video creative is a common barrier to entry for many advertisers, as it can be expensive and time-consuming. Advertisers can mitigate these costs by leveraging UGC — a more affordable and effective option. Explore what your creators have produced or consider collaborating with influencers. Creators understand what resonates with shoppers — UGC-based ads typically achieve 4 times higher click-through rates and a 50% reduction in cost-per-click compared to average ads.

Another way advertisers can embrace mobile commerce is by leveraging data from smartphone interactions. This data reveals consumer preferences and behaviors, allowing for more informed decisions and creating personalized shopping experiences. By doing so, brands can craft a seamless journey from social media to their Amazon store, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Final Thoughts

As Amazon continues to evolve with the landscape of mobile and social commerce, the introduction of vertical video ads for Sponsored Brands represents a significant step forward. By embracing these changes, brands can create richer, more immersive shopping experiences that align seamlessly with how customers increasingly shop on mobile. 

To fully leverage Amazon’s newest advertising updates, partnering with a technology provider is key. Feedvisor’s AI-powered advertising solution coupled with a dedicated expert team enables brands to stay ahead of competitors and in sync with Amazon’s latest changes. See it for yourself with a free 14-day trial today. 

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