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Using a Repricer? Don’t Make This Fatal Mistake on Seller Central

By Tami Ben-David May 28, 2015
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A British ex-pat, Tami been writing and content-strategizing for Israeli tech start-ups for the last 5 years. When she's not writing nerdy content, you can find Tami on open water charity swims or traveling to far-flung countries.

As discussed in a previous post, Amazon now requires sellers to set a minimum and maximum price range in Seller Central to avoid pricing glitches like the one that occurred this past December.

If you’re using any kind of Amazon repricer, then you’re probably aware that repricers also require a min/max price bracket so that your items don’t get priced lower or higher than you wanted them to. (Here at Feedvisor, we refer to it as your floor and ceiling prices.)

The thing is, you need to make sure your price range on Amazon is wider than the price range you specified with your repricer.


Repricers change your prices as often as every 15 minutes, and due to unexpected market conditions, you may stray considerably from the min/max parameters on your Seller Central account without realizing it, or you might forget to adjust accordingly.

This can lead to Amazon assuming there’s an error and de-listing the item, which translates to unsold items at best, and unanticipated FBA storage fees and other untold complications at worst. If it happens with a number of items, or most your items, it can spell even bigger disaster.

Be sure to leave yourself some wiggle room on your Seller Central account to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.

The amount of leeway can be determined either according to a certain percentage or a certain price — it really depends on your individual products and the state of the market.

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