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The Must-Have Bible for Those Who Sell Religiously on Amazon

By Tami Ben-David November 7, 2013
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A British ex-pat, Tami been writing and content-strategizing for Israeli tech start-ups for the last 5 years. When she's not writing nerdy content, you can find Tami on open water charity swims or traveling to far-flung countries.

Whether you’re an old-time Amazon seller or a newbie to the world’s most lucrative online marketplace, the question of the Buy Box is no doubt constantly at the forefront of your mind.

How do Amazon decide who the Buy Box winner should be?

how do I win the Buy Box?

What can I do to stay in the Buy Box?

The answers to these questions are crucial as they will actually determine the success of your online business.

This is because 82% of Amazon sales today go through the Buy Box. This means that if your product is in the Buy Box, you are four times more likely to make a sale than everyone else combined. This is an enormous opportunity that no seller wants to miss out on. As such, understanding how the Buy Box works is essential for anyone who wishes to increase their share of the Buy Box.

This is where The Buy Box Bible comes in.

Feedvisor has just published the first ever comprehensive guide to absolutely everything you need to know about the Amazon Buy Box. After months of thorough research, including tracking customer behavior and gleaning information from Amazon’s own API, we have collated information that we believe will be hugely useful to you, as a seller.

The below screenshot is a perfect example of a pattern we repeatedly saw that stands in direct contradiction to a widely held notion. Many people believe that if they set their price to a particular percentage below the lowest offered price, they’ll automatically win the Buy Box. Contrary to popular belief however, lowest price does not always determine the Buy Box winner. In the below example, the Buy Box winner is actually selling his product for more than the other sellers. We explore cases such as this, and why they occur, in the Buy Box Bible.

The Buy Box Bible describes exactly how the Buy Box works. It explains all the different variables that determine the Buy Box winner and how much of an impact each one has. In essence, all of this information will enable you to work together with the Buy Box in order to optimize your sales and maximize your profits.

So you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose and potentially a massive amount to gain by reading it.

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