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What Are The Advantages Of Automated Repricing On Amazon?

Discover the top 5 advantages of automated repricing on Amazon. By Marissa Incitti February 21, 2023

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Selling on Amazon is a highly competitive endeavor, and one of the key factors that can make or break your success is pricing.

But with so many products and sellers on the platform, manually managing your prices can be an overwhelming and time-consuming task.

That’s where automated repricing comes in. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of automated repricing on Amazon and how it can help you boost sales and stay competitive.


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What are the Advantages of Automated Repricing on Amazon?

Real-Time Pricing Adjustments

One of the biggest advantages of automated repricing is the ability to adjust your prices in real-time.

With an automated repricing tool, you can set your pricing strategy and let the tool do the work of constantly monitoring the market and adjusting your prices accordingly.

This means you can react quickly to changes in the market and stay ahead of your competitors.

While automated repricing is great alone, combining it with algorithmic repricing is best.

Automated repricing relies on pre-set rules to adjust prices, while algorithmic repricing uses data analysis and machine learning to make more nuanced pricing decisions.

Feedvisor combines these two methods, ensuring that prices are adjusted quickly and accurately to reflect market changes while also allowing for more sophisticated pricing strategies.

Automated + Algorithmic Repricing


Better Buy Box Placement

The Buy Box is the coveted spot on Amazon where customers can easily add a product to their cart with a single click.

Winning the Buy Box can greatly improve your sales and is one of the key metrics Amazon uses to determine which products are displayed prominently in search results.

Automated repricing can help you win the Buy Box by ensuring that your prices are always competitive and in line with other sellers.

When combined with algorithmic repricing, you not only get the speed of automated repricing, but your price is adjusted based on product availability, competitors, and demand.

This helps sellers stay competitive and win the buy box by offering the lowest price. 

Further Reading: The 2024 Ultimate Amazon Buy Box Guide for Sellers and Retailers


Increased Amazon Sales

By keeping your prices competitive, you can attract more customers and increase your sales. 

Automated repricing can help you find the sweet spot for your pricing, where you are making a profit while keeping your prices low enough to attract customers. 

However, having the power of algorithmic repricing with automated can help you maximize profit margins by setting prices that are higher than competitors but still low enough to win the buy box. 

With the ability to adjust your prices in real-time and win the Buy Box, you can stay ahead of your competitors and increase your sales on Amazon.


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About the Author

Marissa Incitti is the Associate Director of Content for Feedvisor, where she oversees and executes the company's content marketing strategy and initiatives. Before joining Feedvisor, she was the content marketing manager for a Fortune Global 500 omnichannel commerce technologies and operations company.

Time Savings

Manually managing your prices can be a time-consuming task that takes you away from other important aspects of your business.

Automated repricing tools can save you time by taking care of this task for you, freeing up your time to focus on other areas of your business, such as sourcing new products, marketing, and customer service.

Further Reading: 5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Repricer 


Greater Control

Some sellers may hesitate to use automated repricing tools because they fear losing control over their pricing.

However, with a good automated repricing tool, you have full control over your pricing strategy and can set rules and conditions to ensure that your prices stay within your desired range.

With a great repricing tool, you have the power of both automated and algorithmic repricing, allowing you to set pricing strategies and access deep data for more informed decisions.

This means you can have peace of mind knowing that your prices are always in line with your goals and your profitability is protected.


Final Thoughts

Automated repricing on Amazon is a powerful tool that can help you stay competitive and increase your sales on the platform.

But, combining automated repricing with algorithmic repricing allows you to stay competitive and maximize profitability in a rapidly changing market.

By adjusting your prices in real-time, winning the Buy Box, attracting more customers, saving time, and maintaining control over your pricing strategy, you can take your Amazon business to the next level and achieve greater success.

Want to test out an award-winning algorithmic repricer?  Try Feedvisor’s repricing platform; free.


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