University - Customer Experience
Seller Rating
![Feedvisor University](
The Seller Rating is created by data received from buyers in an effort to measure the quality of the experience you provide your customers.
Each customer is given the opportunity to rate the seller, and this rating will be used to identify areas where the seller could improve customer service, leading to more satisfied buyers. The Seller Rating not only helps the seller examine their overall performance, but it also gives insight into problems with individual orders.
The rating options are:
- Fair
- Good
- Very Good
- Excellent
Sellers can be rated based on:
- Response Time
- Shipping Time
- Order Cancellation Percentage
- Credit Card Chargeback Percentage
- A-to-Z Guarantee Claims
- Negative Feedback
The seller may not be rated yet, but this can change. A seller that is not yet rated is a new seller or has not had many orders within the past 365 days. With a growing business and an expanding order history, the seller’s rating will increase. The concept of the Seller Rating is new and as of now, the rating system is not visible to buyers at this time, in order to receive input from Amazon sellers.
How the Seller Ratings Works
- Each order placed within the past 365 days is given a score, called the Order Quality Score. If there were no problems, the seller will receive a score of 1 for that order. The rating will lower for each order with problems or difficulties.
- When calculating Order Quality Scores, the following are considered problems and difficulties with an order and vary in point reduction:
- The Seller does not respond to a message from the Buyer within 24 hours.
- The Seller sends the unit later than the expected shipping date (results in 0 point rating).
- The Seller cancels the order.
- The Seller does not confirm shipment within the required time period.
- There is a credit card chargeback on the order at the fault of the Seller.
- There is an A-to-Z Guarantee claim on the order at the fault of the Seller (results in -5 point rating).
- Negative feedback on the order.
- The scores for all orders within the last 365 days are added together and the average is found. This average becomes the Seller’s Order Quality Score. It is important to note that since the Seller’s performance on recent orders carries more weight than that of previous orders, this there is a time-weighted average applied to the final score. This means that the most recent orders have a greater impact on the Seller’s score.
- When the final score is determined, the Seller will be rated as either Excellent, Very Good, Good, or Fair.
Sellers can increase their ratings by following the tips on how to improve your seller rating.