Resources - Playbooks

Going Global: How to Expand Your Amazon Operation Outside of the U.S.

Discover expert-approved insights and strategies to effectively take your Amazon operation outside of the U.S. and drive new business. By IT September 25, 2018
Going Global: How to Expand Your Amazon Operation Outside of the U.S.
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In 2017, cross-border sales accounted for over 25% of all third-party units sold on Amazon. Additionally, the company’s Global Selling program grew by over 50%. What do these two impressive metrics indicate? If you have established a sound, profitable Amazon business domestically, chances are that you are well-equipped to take the next step — implementing an international selling strategy and beginning to sell product overseas in one or several of Amazon’s global marketplaces.

Currently, Amazon has 13 global marketplaces — United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, India, China, Japan, and Australia. How do you decide on the right marketplace for your products? Which will be the most profitable for your store? How do you choose which SKUs to launch in a new market? How do you navigate effective communication with customers that speak in a different language than you?

In our latest ebook, Going Global: How to Expand Your Amazon Operation Outside of the U.S., we provide the answers to all of these questions, alongside actionable advice and strategic recommendations to make sure that you are experiencing a return on your overseas investment. The resource can be immensely beneficial as you are deciding which steps of the process you should outsource or bring in-house, such as translators, and researching which products will generate demand in a new target country, or which ones need further competitive analysis.

Once you have settled on the right ASINs, the eBook details how to properly set them up, through the lens of an international audience. Next, in order to get shoppers in a foreign country to convert on your products, you need to know how to establish a cohesive advertising strategy to maintain and increase engagement. With step-by-step details on how to capitalize on keyword analysis, improve sales velocity, and optimize conversion, the eBook also introduces specific tactics to run effective ad campaigns in a foreign language.

What else will you uncover?

  • Important guidelines for shipping abroad — from navigating shipping hazmat and dangerous goods to learning how to package your goods efficiently and economically
  • How Amazon marketplaces convert your funds and proven ways to leverage exchange rates to your advantage
  • Tactics to adhere to VAT and other tax rules
  • Specific metrics you should be tracking for the items you are selling globally

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