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Frozen Tops the Amazon Charts This Holiday Season

By Tami Ben-David December 30, 2014
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A British ex-pat, Tami been writing and content-strategizing for Israeli tech start-ups for the last 5 years. When she's not writing nerdy content, you can find Tami on open water charity swims or traveling to far-flung countries.

Here’s a random holiday tidbit for you. Amazon customers purchased enough Elsa dolls this holiday season to reach the top of Cinderella’s castle 855 times! And the movie didn’t just impact toy sales, but other holiday bestsellers include Frozen music, Frozen watches and Frozen kids’ apparel!

How’s that for a successful holiday season for Disney?!

Amazon released their holiday figures for 2014 this week. Once again, not only were records broken but plenty of eyebrows raised in shock and awe at just how huge the Amazon colossus has become.

The published stats also point towards certain trends in both Amazon, as well as the eCommerce sphere in general.

Two such trends to watch

1. Mobile Shopping is on the rise

More and more people are shopping through mobile devices, such as cell phones, tablets and iPads. Nearly 60% of Amazon customers shopped using a mobile device this holiday season, compared to ?just? 50% in 2013. And mobile shopping accelerated as customers got later into the shopping season.

2. Amazon Prime is on fire

This year brought record growth to Amazon fast, free shipping program. More than 10 million new members worldwide tried Prime for the first time. With almost a dozen new features and benefits added to Amazon Prime, customers can now enjoy access to Prime Music, Prime Photos, Prime Pantry, Amazon Elements, critically-acclaimed and limited streaming content, early access to select Lightning Deals, exclusive pricing on select Amazon devices and on Same-Day Delivery, and a lot more.

Two things this means for the Amazon seller

Amazon sellers need to get in on the excitement if they want to increase their sales in 2015.

1. Mobile means more Buy Box wins

The truth of the matter is that on a mobile device, the Buy Box is a lot more visible than other purchasing options. What this means is that a shopper is more likely to buy through the Buy Box than through any other seller. A seller should always try to win the Buy Box in order to increase their chances of making sales, and with the rise of mobile shopping, this need is even more prominent. For more information on what it takes to win the Buy Box, see Feedvisor’s Buy Box Bible.

2. FBA wins Prime

Since millions of shoppers use Amazon Prime, it would make sense for sellers to make their products available through Amazon Prime too. The only way to do this is by signing up to the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service, in which a seller ships products to an Amazon warehouse, and Amazon takes care of the picking, packing, shipping and customer service for them.

Click here to read about the FBA vs FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) debate.

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