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Amazon User Study 2016: Key Findings

By Leor Farkas December 4, 2016
70% of Prime members said that they trust packages shipped by more than by a third-party seller.

With the goal of helping Amazon third-party sellers understand the consumers who buy from them, Feedvisor launched its Amazon User Study for 2016. The survey questions were specifically designed to better understand consumer interactions with Feedvisor through the retailers who use the algorithmic repricer.

About the Survey

The Amazon User Study was published in July 2016, documenting the habits of over 1,500 Amazon consumers in and out of Amazon. 50% of the participants indicated that they were Prime members, and the results take into account their unique shopping behaviors and attitudes. Many of the questions focus specifically on what they are looking for when buying from third-party sellers. For more information on our most recent report, click the link below.

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About the Author

Leor is a writer for Feedvisor. She's a native New Yorker who lives in Israel, where she has been producing content for the hi-tech world. She earned her B.A. in English and philosophy from Sarah Lawrence College.

Some Intriguing Results

Here are a couple of revealing insights gleaned from the User Survey related specifically to third-party sellers.

Let’s begin by noticing just how active these Prime customers are! Nearly a third of Prime members make purchases on at least once a week, while only 5% of non-Prime members do the same. That should give you a good indication of the potential usefulness of FBA for your business in terms of attracting these valuable Prime users.

It’s revealing to note that Prime members are more likely to feel comfortable purchasing from third-party sellers: Four in five have purchased from a third-party seller, compared to three in five of non-Prime members.

It’s also worth mentioning that non-Prime members, who are less intimately acquainted with Amazon, may also be less aware of third-party sellers. As the pie chart demonstrates, 21% of them don’t actually know if they’ve purchased from a third-party before.

More than 70% of Prime members and 60% of non-Prime members said that they trust packages shipped by more than by a third-party seller.

This shows that even when prices are the same as Amazon’s, customers will very likely choose Amazon first. This is one important reason why merchants should seriously consider switching to FBA, if they haven’t done so already.

Nearly 60% of our respondents always check a third-party seller’s rating before buying. About a third say that simply knowing the name of a seller can influence the decision to buy.

These findings suggest that sellers should never underestimate the power of a good reputation. A seller’s brand name matters, so be sure it is associated with reliability.

While many third-party sellers may have the impression that their brand’s name doesn’t get noticed on Amazon, that couldn’t be further from the truth. A mere 16% of consumers don’t look at the name of the seller. And although a slight majority of users say the name doesn’t impact their purchasing decision, they do check — meaning that you want to safeguard your reputation.

Click the link below to watch Feedvisor’s former VP of Marketing discuss the findings of the survey.

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