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Walmart and eBay 101: Expanding Your Online Presence Beyond Amazon

Discover the benefits of marketplace diversification and how you can get started on the two most popular platforms aside from Amazon. By Natalie Taylor September 16, 2020
How to Diversify to E-Marketplaces Beyond Amazon

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, online marketplaces — or e-marketplaces — were reshaping the e-commerce landscape. 

Drawn to their convenience, vast assortment, and enticing prices, the majority of consumers preferred to shop on e-marketplaces over other e-commerce channels: 89% preferred Amazon, followed by Walmart (52%) and eBay (43%), while just 21% of consumers preferred a brand’s own e-commerce website, according to Feedvisor consumer data

In today’s pandemic economy, consumers have come to rely on e-marketplaces more than ever before. However, brands and sellers that relied on a single selling channel during the height of the COVID-19 crisis saw their businesses suffer — despite the rise in demand — due to delivery delays, price wars, supply chain issues, and more. 

Having a diversified marketplace strategy is crucial to mitigating your risk exposure and safeguarding your business as you scale. Although Amazon is at the center of the marketplace ecosystem with regard to both e-commerce share and audience size, there is significant opportunity on Walmart and eBay for incremental revenue growth. 

In this guide, How to Diversify to E-Marketplaces Beyond Amazon, we provide a comprehensive overview of Walmart and eBay, as well as critical details you need to know about getting started and operating on these platforms once you have established a sound Amazon presence.

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About the Author

Natalie Taylor is the content manager at Feedvisor, where she oversees and executes on the company's content marketing strategy. Prior to her work at Feedvisor, she wrote for a B2B supermarket magazine, focusing on merchandising and marketing trends in the grocery industry.

What Will You Discover in the Guide?

  • Benefits to expanding your reach to new marketplaces, such as mitigating risks associated with single-channel selling
  • What you need to know to get started on eBay and Walmart, such as fees and listing creation policies
  • The number of sellers that are operating and advertising on eBay and Walmart, in addition to Amazon
  • Actions eBay and Walmart are taking to compete directly with Amazon and key differences between the platforms

By expanding your portfolio of selling channels to include Walmart and/or eBay, you will be able to generate sustainable business growth and security, increase exposure of your product catalog, and get in front of new customers. 

Channel diversification can yield other benefits in addition to risk prevention — you can test and study market conditions and how they vary by platform, understand specific buyer types, and make stronger catalog, pricing, and inventory decisions.

Learn what Feedvisor can do for your business.

When you partner with Feedvisor, you automatically receive access to our true, AI-driven technology and hands-on team of e-commerce experts. Contact one of our team members today to learn more about our end-to-end solution for brands and large sellers on Amazon, Walmart, and e-marketplaces.

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