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The State of the Amazon Marketplace 2019

The State of the Amazon Marketplace 2019 report reveals Amazon sellers' priorities and goals, areas of concern, keys to profitability, and more. By IT May 15, 2019
The State of the Amazon Marketplace 2019

On average, U.S.-based SMBs sell more than 4,000 items per minute across storefronts on the Amazon marketplace. Despite challenges and complexities with scaling a business on Amazon, sellers are finding their way and learning how to adapt to Amazon’s shifting strategies, experimenting with advertising and private labels, utilizing technology to maximize performance, and finding unique ways to differentiate themselves from their key competitors.

In Feedvisor’s latest edition of our annual analysis of the evolving state of the Amazon marketplace and its inhabitants, we reveal the priorities, challenges, expansion plans, growth strategies, revenue figures, and more — directly from sellers themselves. The State of the Amazon Marketplace 2019 is an invaluable tool for sellers to use to benchmark their performance and gain both data-driven and qualitative insights on what really matters to sellers and their businesses.

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What’s Inside the Report?

  • Insights on the growing private label trend, including how many sellers have private label items in their catalogs
  • What sellers think of Amazon’s advertising suite and if Amazon cares about their business
  • Most popular Amazon advertising tools, product categories, and strategies for success
  • Statistics on sellers’ loyalty to Amazon and how much of their total e-commerce revenue comes from Amazon, eBay, and Walmart

The analysis reveals the various ways that sellers are prioritizing Amazon and positioning it at the center of their e-commerce strategies. With the powerful survey results, sellers can identify areas of their business with untapped potential, monitor how they are performing against their competitors, identify best practices and technologies to implement immediately, and tactics to maximize overall in-market impact.

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