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Using HTML Tags on Amazon

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With an increase in competition on Amazon over the past year, it’s extremely crucial for online sellers to take measures to differentiate themselves and set themselves apart on the ever-changing Amazon marketplace.
With HTML tags, you have the capability to enhance product descriptions in order to more effectively convey product details to a potential buyer. Not only do HTML tags help your products stand out, but they can also be used to avoid clutter and crowded text blocks on your product page. Sellers will need to learn which HTML tags are acceptable on Amazon via trial and error, as the marketplace does not provide a listing of approved HTML tags to reference for any categories besides books. A web browser uses HTML to understand the contents of a page and display it back to the user. We do know that Amazon only allows about 300 words or 1,900 characters with spaces.
Basic HTML in Product Descriptions
To insert a basic HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) tag, use the code below and add your text in between the brackets <>.
<b>Bold Text</b>
Line Break
Bullet Points in Product Descriptions
Bullets are a great way to highlight key product information and examples of how to use it. Bullets are also typically easier for end-users to digest and understand, as they are concise and not lengthy or overwhelming. If you paste a bullet from the ‘special characters’ keyboard before each item, add a space between that and the text, and place the line break <br> at the end, you will be able to create clean, organized bullets in the format below:
- Bullet Point 1<br>
- Bullet Point 2<br>
HTML Tag Examples to Optimize Your Page
Here are some additional examples of tags to take advantage of on your Amazon listings:
<h2></h2> for making a big tagline
<em></em> to italicize a title or excerpt
<strong></strong> to make bold text for emphasis
<sub> for subscript
<sup> for superscript
<li>Ordered Item One</li>
<li>Ordered Item Two</li>
</ol> to create a numbered bullet point list which would look like the following:
- Ordered Item One
- Ordered Item Two
All in all, optimizing your Amazon product pages with HTML tags can be immensely helpful when it comes to increasing the chances of an end-user buying your product. The cleaner and crisper the product page is, the more likely the customer is to make a conversion as there’s nothing distracting them from moving forward to checkout during their buying process.
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