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Tap Into The Power of Amazon DSP [Webinar Recap]

Leverage Amazon DSP to reach more of your customers across the web and maximize the performance of your advertising campaigns. By Catherine Ibarra December 17, 2020

Amazon’s marketplace is only getting more crowded and competitive. As a result, advertisers are dialing up their ad spend to stand out among their competitors and boost product discoverability. Advertisers are particularly investing in programmatic digital display ads, such as Amazon DSP, due to its massive reach and precise targeting capabilities.

U.S. advertisers spent over $10 billion on programmatic digital display ad fees last year and that spend is projected to reach nearly $14 billion by the end of 2021, according to eMarketer.

Advertisers see the value in programmatic digital display ads and are willing to invest heavily to further drive business growth. However, investing in digital display ads is not enough. If you are thinking about using Amazon DSP or you are currently using the platform, it is essential to understand how to use its unique capabilities to maximize your performance.

In this webinar, Doug Kaplan of Feedvisor and former stakeholder in the creation of Amazon DSP explains the value of adding the DSP to your ad mix and shares proven strategies for effectively using DSP in conjunction with Sponsored ads to maximize campaign performance.

What Is Amazon DSP?

Amazon’s demand-side platform (DSP) enables businesses to programmatically buy display and video ad placements at scale. Advertisers are able to reach exclusive Amazon consumers across platforms like desktop, mobile, over-the-top (OTT), and Amazon-owned sites and apps like IMDb.

The DSP’s contextual targeting feature reaches audiences who are actively viewing products relevant to your brand and delivers your ad at the optimal time in a shopper’s journey. This feature helps advertisers reach more of their customers by having a digital presence where their target audience is currently shopping.

Amazon DSP is available to advertisers who sell products on Amazon and those who do not. Advertisers who do not sell on Amazon are able to direct traffic to their own e-commerce website.

Amazon DSP’s “Superpowers”

Amazon DSP has unique capabilities that can be leveraged to improve the efficiency of your campaigns. All users have access to these features, regardless of the type of account you have with Amazon.

The DSP “superpowers” include:

  • Inventory
  • Audience Capabilities (retargeting, prospecting, contextual, and 1P advertiser data)
  • Creative Options (e-commerce, standard, video, and third-party measurement)

Inventory includes owned and operated properties, such as, IMDb, Amazon Publisher Services, Twitch, and many others. This service is additional to the several exchanges Amazon is connected to for programmatic off-site inventory, which include third-party mobile apps, connected TV (CTV), and OTT.

Audience capabilities is the area in which Amazon really shines because of the extensive options that are exclusive to Amazon DSP. Retargeting allows ads to be served to users who interacted with a product detail page, searched for a specific product, or viewed a product detail page in the similar products carousel. These audiences can be built out of the advertisers product catalog or from competitor products for conquesting purposes.

Prospecting is where you will access Amazon’s rich set of curated segments based on a user’s shopping and browsing behavior. This is broken down into two separate groups, in-market and lifestyle. In-market are users who have viewed items in a specific category in the last 30 days. Lifestyle segments include habitual customers who have viewed and purchased multiple items within a category over the last 365 days.

Contextual targeting is the only real-time option available with the DSP. Contextual targeting delivers placements to consumers who are actively and currently browsing category level pages that align with your brand. If you sell home decor, a consumer who is browsing a home goods category will see your ad on that category level page.

An advertiser can also bring their data to Amazon and be able to merge their audience with Amazon’s massive range of users. After merging audiences, an advertiser can retarget their off-Amazon audience on Amazon and also use this audience to build lookalike segments of users who, based on Amazon’s machine-learning algorithm, have the highest propensity to perform like your off-Amazon audience.

There are many creative options available with Amazon DSP. The most robust option, however, is the dynamic e-commerce ads, which do not require creative services. You can simply include an ASIN for the product you want to advertise and, as long as there are 15 reviews and at least a 3.5-star rating for your product, an ad is automatically generated. The ad will show your product detail page image, product name, current price, current review score and star rating, and whether or not it is in stock.

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About the Author

Catherine Ibarra is a marketing consultant at Feedvisor, where she contributes to the company's content marketing initiatives. She has a technology background.

Proven Strategies

Amazon DSP has proven to be very successful in moving the conversion funnel further upwards for advertisers that have previously only run Sponsored campaigns. The DSP creates brand awareness and product discoverability, while Sponsored ads nudge shoppers to purchase products while they are searching on Amazon.

DSP should be used as a complimentary service for your Sponsored campaigns, as it expands your reach and brings in new customers. Implementing both Amazon DSP and Sponsored ads will maximize the performance of your advertising campaigns, boost engagement, and significantly increase your return on ad spend (RoAS).

Kaplan shares his first-hand experience managing ad campaigns:

“For our client’s upcoming product launch, we used Amazon DSP during the pre-order period to drive awareness that the product was launching on a certain date. We drove users to the product detail page, which helped create a retargeting audience. As we got closer to the product launch, we dialed up the spend on our Sponsored ads campaigns because, by then, people were aware of the product and actively going to Amazon to search for it.”

“The client was very happy with this media plan and appreciated the thought process of covering a user with advertising at every step of the purchase decision funnel process, which simply could not have been done had it not been for leveraging both the DSP and Sponsored ads.”

For the full presentation and in-depth information on how you can leverage Amazon DSP to its maximum potential, view our webinar, Tap Into Amazon DSP: A Key Component To Amazon Success.

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