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2021 Amazon and E-Marketplace Trends and Predictions

In today’s climate, staying informed of the industry’s shifting trends and initiatives is crucial to ensuring your business is prepared to adapt and succeed in the year ahead. By Natalie Taylor November 24, 2020
2021 Amazon and E-Marketplace Trends and Predictions

The past year has been turbulent and unpredictable, to say the least. Not even Amazon was prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing headwinds, which have pushed the boundaries of supply chains and e-commerce, and propelled the retail industry into a stage of unavoidable digital revolution.

Yet, with great change comes even greater opportunity. U.S. e-commerce sales will grow over 32% year over year, with e-marketplaces among the biggest beneficiaries. Amazon and Walmart will grow their market share to 39% and 5.8%, respectively, per eMarketer.

To capitalize on this growth requires a comprehensive understanding of the ever-changing needs, innovations, initiatives within the industry. As a seller or brand within the e-commerce space, staying abreast of these trends and transformations is not an option but an imperative — or otherwise risk getting left behind.

In the third installment of our annual e-book, 2021 Amazon and E-Marketplace Trends and Predictions, our experts have compiled the top Amazon and e-marketplace trends and takeaways from 2020 as well as our predictions for what is to come in 2021, so you can effectively prepare your business and map your strategy for an active year ahead.

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About the Author

Natalie Taylor is the content manager at Feedvisor, where she oversees and executes on the company's content marketing strategy. Prior to her work at Feedvisor, she wrote for a B2B supermarket magazine, focusing on merchandising and marketing trends in the grocery industry.

What Will You Discover in the E-Book?

  • An outlined summary of the biggest trends and occurrences within retail and e-commerce in 2020

  • Must-have statistics about brands and consumers’ relationships with Amazon and e-marketplaces, and how behaviors have shifted during the pandemic

  • New initiatives from the top e-marketplaces, including Amazon and Walmart, and their implications for your business

  • Predictions for what to expect in 2021 and how to prepare accordingly

While the COVID-19 pandemic has left much uncertainty in today’s retail climate, one thing is clear: Amazon and e-marketplaces are becoming increasingly fundamental to consumers’ shopping needs and everyday lives. By leveraging the key statistics, insights, and predictions in this report, you will be equipped to adapt your strategy as needed to ensure your business’s success in 2021 and beyond.

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When you partner with Feedvisor, you automatically receive access to our true, AI-driven technology and hands-on team of e-commerce experts. Contact one of our team members today to learn more about our end-to-end solution for brands and large sellers on Amazon, Walmart, and e-marketplaces.

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